So, we live at the beach and today, its cold, well cool.
Our Senior Pastor is out of town tomorrow and Joe will be preaching.
Christmas is coming and Central Florida is feeling a bit cooler.
Change comes in the same cycles every year. Although it is not as pronounced here in Florida, there is still change. The grass is a bit more brown, the wind is cooler and not as humid.
We are getting ready to start some new groups at the Church. Relate groups are going to talk about the weekly sermon in homes each week. Most of our groups are filled or are filling up well. I hope that the people who take part will grow and understand more about how Christians should live and relate to one another.
Some people are resistant to change, that is to be expected. I know that some people feel that we don't need to change. We ought to just keep doing things the way that we have always done. Promote Sunday School, have big events to draw the public in. These were what built the church, and we should keep doing it.
Unfortunately, the world has changed. People used to respect the Chruch--now many people have contempt for the Church. Being a Christian used to be thought of as a positive--now Christians are seen as "pushy" and "uncaring." The Church used to be seen as a positive force in the community--now people wonder what good the Church does.
If we are going to have an impact on our community, we have to go out to where they are and do things that will build goodwill and give us the "respect" to share what it is that motivates us. We have to earn the right to share the gospel. May God help us earn that right as we serve in our community.
Wade Howell
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