As some of you may know, I was not
excited about Disney's New Pop-Star Wars. There has been a lot of
hype and some people are going quite batty over it, so I have held my
comments close. I very rarely go to the movies and I expected to see
it some time later after it was out of theaters. Two things to keep
in mind as you read this. 1) The Star Trek franchise is far superior
to the Star Wars franchise. 2) I am in the minority that think
episodes 1, 2, and 3 of Star Wars are much better than episodes 4, 5,
and 6.
I fully realize that my position puts
me in danger of never being allowed to join 501st Legion
(Vader's Legion)
and the Jedi Academy of North Florida won't allow me
to be trained (much cynicism in me, they sense). All that is fine. I
must speak (or rather type) the truth, and if that truth is painful,
well then, suck it up buttercup.
So the movie exceeded my expectations, but only barely.
First of all, the Star Wars universe needs an infusion of new ideas. Come on, really another Death Star, but this time it will be a lot bigger. This time it is a planet that way it would take a death star to destroy the new Super Planetary Star Eating Death Star (SPSEDS).
I know people are fixated on size, but give me a break.
One Direction Logo |
First Order Logo |
Once again the military industrial
complex (First Order this time...what an awful name, I could not
help thinking One Direction every time they said First Order) is
looking for a small cute droid on a desert planet because it has
information that could be dangerous in the hands of the Rebels
Resistance). The droid ends up with someone who does not know they
can use the force and this person decides to help get the droid back
to those who need it. (This plot line is completely different from a
droid taking a message from Princess Leia to an old man in robes on a
desert planet, because this is an old man in robes on a desert planet
trying to get a message to Princess/General Leia....totally
different.)Also the droid and the new
force wielder end up leaving the desert planet on the Millennium Falcon while being hunted by the military industrial complex.
So this was not at all like episode
IV, I mean in episode IV Han Solo and Chewbacca pilot the VII it takes five or six minutes in space before Han and
Chewy show up, to pilot the ship “that made the Kessel Run in less
than 12 parsecs.”Also there is some stuff about dangerous mouths
with tenticles and Han going back into smuggling since there did not
seem to be a future in rebelling after the take down of Death Star 2.
The dark side, which as we all know has been touting the cookies it has for some time, apparently also has more acne. So about 1/3 of the way into the movie we have Emo Solo and One Direction hunting for the droid with the schematics to the Death Star (sorry, map to Luke Skywalker) and we get a Cantina scene!! YES!! Finally...I mean in IV they left the cantina and got on the Falcon and now they fly on the Falcon to a Cantina..Totally Different.
The Cantina is run by none other than
Edna Mode...(AKA Maz Kanata). In the cantina we get our Disney star
appearance by Miley Cyrus
who climbs off an ogre (talk about type cast) to call One
Direction. One Direction shows up, lead by Emo Solo on his giant
flying Manta Ray to blow up the establishment of ill repute.
Meanwhile, Fin and Rey (apparently names with more than one syllable
are unfashionable) are splitting up and Rey starts to run away from
her destiny only to get captured by Emo and flown away.
In this movie, however, the
Rebels.....(Resistance) fights back and the much awaited X-Wing
fighters who chase away the bad people. Who shows up on the scene but Princess, or General, Leia who is committed to eating better and no
longer carries her cinnamon buns with her on set.
But now, filled with confidence and
rage, One Direction unleashes the SPSEDS ultimate weapon that fires a
faster than light weapon (that you can still see on its way to kill
you...meh...not sure how to explain that..) and that fires with a
width of less than a planet (since that is what it is coming out of)
and then is wide enough and bright enough to be seen from several
star systems away and which the light traveling out from it would
have to travel faster than light, so that everyone can see
it....ouch...but which condenses back to less than planet size before
splitting up and becoming an intergalactic shotgun blast which blows
holes in the planets and the plot at the same time.) BUT IT WAS A BIG
EXPLOSION. BOOM. To top that people would have to blow up a star,
oh....wait, Star Trek already did that.
Now that the Senate is out of the
way....which, by the way, who is funding these guys...The Empire
funded the Imperial Army, which would have become the Republic's army
again after Palpatine's death. How do we still have either the
remnant of the Imperial Army re-branded and hostile to the Senate and
have a Rebellion (sorry, Resistance) that is not the Republic's
army...Is there no army for the Republic and the Senate? Do we really
have just two rogue factions with the Senate in the middle? How do
you fund planet sized super weapons without a stable tax base and a
strong, growing middle class? Seems fishy.
But, now the real challenge. How to
you destroy the SPSEDS before it can eat a star and recharge and blow
you up? And this time they fixed all the flaws of the previous Death
Stars. You can't blow up the shield generators on the planet, because
the planet is the Death Star. They already eradicated the Ewoks so
you can't get stone age technology to beat back the defenses. They
built buildings over the exhaust ports, so you can't just shoot into
it with the force to blow it up. How do you overcome this? Send Han
and Chewy (along with Fin, the ex Storm Trooper Janitor) and plant a
few IEDs (like any good Resistance fighter) and blow up the building
before the SPSEDS finishes its star lunch and rescue Ren in the
Ren, is not a weak character to be
pushed around by Emo Solo and his interrogation of her AWAKENS the
force within her. So the big bad, overly emotional, Sith gets scared
of a young girl in restraints. Ren quickly uses Jedi mind tricks to
get free and runs into her rescue party as they are trying to figure
out how to blow up the SPSEDS.
The foreshadowing of a “I know there
is good in our son” moment by Princess, or, General Leia resolves
as Han tries to turn his son back to the light side. Emo is not
having any of that and kills dad, making Chewy and the audience gasp.
Chewy shoots the Emo and wounds him, apparently his blaster pause did
not work this time. Everyone else tries to escape and blow up the
building to destabilize the planet weapon..or whatever
this thing is. But it is not over without an epic lightsaber duel
between a Sith and two different people who have no training in use
of the force or saber techniques. No matter, the epicness of the
battle cannot be denied as the Sith is able to singe the shoulder of
the janitor trooper and get beat by a girl only to be saved by an
Meanwhile, back at the Death Star
trench scene from episode IV, the explosion does not do the job so a
new Rebel (Resistance) star pilot has to fly through a trench
(not at
all looking like Luke from IV) and into a large open space (not at
all like Lando and Chewy do in the second Death Star from episode
VI). But this is quite different because when this SPSEDS blows up it
becomes a star again. (Somehow a planet sized contraption absorbed
the energy from a star, the size difference should be immense, and
then became the star again when it blew up, but moved over a little
bit.) Someone should have talked to Abrams about the difference in
scalebetween a star and a planet. It only looks like a small disk in the sky from here on Earth. From the perspective of a star the size of our sun planet is very small. So now all the gravitational pull in the surrounding systems are out of whack because One Direction's concert hall blew up and moved a star.
Now for the celebration...or not.
Returning to the Rebel base (er...Resistance headquarters) and we
tell everyone Han is dead. But R2D2, who has been so depressed at
losing Luke that he has been catatonic, wakes up and has the larger
map that the small piece held by the cute new droid fits into
seamlessly. Now the Resistance knows where Luke is. They have been
looking for him since he left the note telling them where he went.
How could Luke know that C3PO would knock over a glass of java juice
and ruin the instructions of how to get to where he was going.
Everyone this entire movie has been looking for the map to Luke. We
assumed it was so that they could go and get Luke to battle One
Direction and Emo Solo. But, that is not the case. Apparently it was
just so they could have a completed map. Whew...what a relief, our
map is complete.
The only person interested in actually finding Luke
is the newly awakened Ren and she takes Chewy along as copilot of the
Falcon.Will Ren find Luke? What will she do
when she finds him? What does the original Jedi temple look like?
Will we find out. Yes we find out. The Jedi originated in, wait for
it...Ireland. Yes it is Ireland, Skellig Michael to be precise. Just
in case you want to go there for vacation. If you do, watch out for
the puffins. At long last, Luke Skywalker is found and Ren gets to
meet the Jedi legend. What suspense. What drama. What will he say.
Will it be a wise “I've been waiting for you.” Or an inquisitive,
“why have you come?” Or even a sarcastic “What is the airspeed
velocity of an unladen swallow?”
And still the pregnant silence
awaiting a word from the long lost Luke.....and we are still waiting.
Don't get me wrong, I am glad he didn't speak. There was probably a
clause in the contract that doubled his pay if he had a spoken part.
He needed to save his voice for that new animated batman series, the
Joker has a lot of lines after all. They didn't want to hang out on
Irish island and wait for him to get his part right. I get it. In
fact, I think Mark Hamill should be given an Oscar for best extra in
a Disney Film.
My young girls liked the movie. I thought it was yet another in the series that doesn't offer much except cool special effects. Not sure where things go from here. I hope they get better.